Mermoz   VFR Navigation for Mac


Mermoz is a tool for helping private pilots to perform their VFR flight planning. It is designed to work with the following map products:

  1.  U.S. VFR Maps (aka «Sectional Charts»)

  2.  French ICAO Map from IGN

  3.  Air Million maps from Editerra

On the map view, you draw your route and position your report points  as you would do on a paper chart.

In the log view, waypoints, headings, distances corresponding to the  route are already inserted in the navigation log. When you specify the  speed of the airplane, flight times are  computed and displayed. If you specify the  fuel  flow, required fuel is automatically computed. You finalize your navigation log by adding altitudes, radio frequencies, comments...

Finally you print and get the exact reproduction of the log displayed on your screen.

License of Use

Mermoz can be used freely for private purpose. Any other usage is not permitted without the author prior consent.

Required Configuration

  1. Mac with an Intel processor

  2. Apple Mac OS 10.8 or later



March 31, 2018

2018 editions of French ICAO and Air Million maps are available on the Mac App Store. New: the Air Million Caribbean Map !

Feb 6, 2018

Release 1.14.1 removes LFSI and LFBM airfields from VAC Atlas (those charts have been discontinued).

N  70 53 08.16

E 026 07 16.68